Write PHP Like a Pro: Build a PHP MVC Framework From Scratch

Write PHP Like a Pro: Build a PHP MVC Framework From Scratch

Write PHP Like a Pro: Build a PHP MVC Framework From Scratch
Write PHP Like a Pro: Build a PHP MVC Framework From Scratch, Learn to write faster, easier to maintain, more secure PHP websites by using a model-view-controller framework


What you'll learn
  • Separate application code from presentation code
  • Organise your PHP code into models, views and controllers in an MVC framework
  • Use namespaces and an autoloader to load PHP classes automatically
  • Use the Composer tool to manage third-party package dependencies and autoloading
  • Handle errors and exceptions in PHP and display more or less error detail based on the environment
  • Understand how MVC frameworks work, making it easier to learn an existing framework like Laravel or CodeIgniter
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